
Label of Japanese Whisky written in Kanji

To know about the reason why these whiskeis from SUNTRY have kanji letter, I called SUNTRY and asked this question but the answer was so vague. Actually she and workers didn't know the reason but she said it's sure that they don't classify by price. However these are designed and named by the person who creates. I couldn't have contact with these designers. She said usually these names are decided by process and whiskey's image.
For example "山崎-Yamazaki-" is named to represent the location of main SUNTRY distillery, Yamazaki and Yamazaki is famous for pure and clean water. So Yamazaki also indicates this is made of Yamazaki water.
"響-hibiki-" is made by image that echo throughout water.
This is just my opinion they use kanji when they could have made a whiskey which can be liked by all over the world and say that Japanese whiskey tastes good.

1 件のコメント:

Taro さんのコメント...

Your blog's title remind me that Japanese whiskey doesn't have Whisk"e"y..lol tnx I love Hokuto white label and Royal 12yo.